It's difficult to know what to write about the devastating fires that claimed so many lives, homes and communities right on our doorstep. This wasn't something we could watch, detached on the news. We've felt the fear as we waited for news of my brother and his family, who
fought the fire storm on their property at St Andrews and saved their lives, home and animals. The awful wait we had must be nothing compared to the terror they have survived. The fires took the lives of friends and relatives of our friends and relatives. Our friends have lost their homes and all their worldly possessions.
As the weekend unfolded, we took photographs. Looking at them again reminds me of just how close to home this disaster has occurred. The choppers flew low over our backyard as they went between water and fire. They used a local school oval as their air base. Fire crews
constantly passed through town, and smoke was everywhere.

The kindness, courage and selflessness I have seen has amazed me, the grief and loss have broken my heart, every new story of survival and loss brings me to tears, as I struggle to comprehend that this happened on our doorstep, to people we know and love.