Last weekend we he headed out to the Kilmore Art Expo. The wonderful rain forced us to seek out indoor entertainments. It wasn't quite as good as last year, (in our humble opinions) but we still saw some lovely paintings and photographs. On our return home, Coen was feeling inspired and artistic so we brought out the paints!
Darron's old squad shirt makes an excellent art smock.

Coen did some acrylic on canvas,

before we moved on to some crafty caterpillars!

Painting is serious business!
Painty hands are evidence of a productive afternoon!

Add some pompoms and pipecleaners and you have a fabulous caterpillar! Coen was very pleased with the final result!

After we finished painting, the sun broke through the black clouds so we went and had a look at the Assumption fete.

Darron and Coen had a ride on the spinning tea cups. The ride started out fun, but by the end they were both looking a bit queasy!
Just after hopping off the ride, the sky opened up and it absolutely bucketed down! We dashed for cover, and waited for the rain to ease enough for us to get back to the car. When it finally cleared a little we garbbed a show bag for Coen and raced home! It was possibly the shortest visit to a fete in history!
We managed to keep ourselves entertained on that very rare thing, a rainy day!