Here's Coen all set for his big day out in the boat.
His first fish was a nice 30+cm long flatty. Closely followed by.........
A Shark!
A nice little Gummy. (We wont mention that it took him 30 years less than his dad to catch a shark.) A little undersize so back in he went.

On the way back in we saw this little "Tugboat" coming into Port carrying sheep from somewhere down Tassy way over here to the mainland to be loaded onto a Cattle truck. Delicious, delicious sheep.
Was a great day fishing in pretty good conditions. Fairly calm water with an overcast sky and temperature in mid to high 20's. A good haul of fish of about 3.5kg of flatty fillets.
Coen got to watch Granddad and Tim filliting the fish on the jetty and was fascinated by the MASSIVE Ray swimming directly below us.