Thursday, November 27, 2008

A Little Victory

I admit I'm not the world's greatest housekeeper. I'm really good at some things, I can colour inside the lines, braid my own hair and make fantastic banana muffins, oh and pizza, I make good pizza too. But the thing that I'm best at is procrastinating, and procrastination and housework are not the best of friends. Add to the mix a sick child who wants to be held ALL DAY LONG; toilet training the same child, a task requiring everything to be dropped at an instant's notice; Darron being on night shift, not sure what the relevence of that is but I'm using it as an excuse; and warm weather, it's not even hot and I'm already not coping. The end result is this...

It's a disaster, let's take a closer look...
So I thought if I photographed the horror I might be able to shame myself into some basic housekeeping. And guess what... it worked! Coen was my shadow, and we did have to make several dashes to the potty, but I'm claiming a victory. A little victory over my procrastinating self!Now there are just my other messes to take care of.

Maybe some other time...


Monday, November 24, 2008

Another Big Weekend

We had another big exciting weekend! On Friday we celebrated Tenealle and Steve's wedding. It was a wonderful day, the rain held out for most of the day. It was a really fun wedding, lots of dancing! Unfortunately I have NO photos. I've relied on Tim and the new camera again! All the great pics he and Beck took are on Facebook.

Then we spent the weekend at Rye with Dad and Trish who were looking after Jack so his parents could have a honeymoon weekend, Paul, Melissa, Bella and Ave. It was great to catch up with everyone and Coen had a ball playing with the girls.

We made it to the beach a couple of times, it even got warm on Sunday morning!


Tuesday, November 18, 2008

A Big Weekend!

We're still recovering from a huge weekend!

On Saturday we went to our friend Belinda's beautiful wedding. It was wondeful to see her so happy! Congratulations Belinda & Shaun!

I love this picture of the two of them dancing, the joy in both their faces makes me grin!

And here's us with the lovely bride!

Then after a wonderful sleep in on Sunday (thanks Mum & Ed!), we picked up Coen and headed over to Lilydale Lake for Jack's 1st Birthday party.

Happy Birthday Jack!

Coen had a great time running around, chasing Bella and Ave! Credit for the great photos goes to Tim on Beck's new camera. I think the one above is just about the best photo ever!

And there's the photographer himself, roped into silly facebook style pictures by his sister!

We've got something on every week until christmas now, busy, busy, busy. Must remember to get some sleep in at some stage. Next is Tenealle and Steves wedding on Friday. It should be a great day and we're really looking forward to spending the weekend down at Rye!
