This afternoon we headed out to Bylands for a look at the Tram Museum. They were having an open day so entry was $2 per adult, rather than the usual $22 for a family. Coen has a great love of all modes of transportation, however he has a special place in his heart for those on rails! The first thing we did when we arrived was jump on a tram for a quick ride.

This is the tram we rode. And the tram driver John, who has been driving trams since 1954! He told us how he had driven trams during the 1956 Melbourne Olympics!
We hadn't been there very long when we spotted a familiar car pulling up! Mum and Ed had brought Nathan and Shailea for a look as well.

We had a proper tram ride on a very full tram!
Then we had a look at all the old trams.

Some of them are really beautiful. I love the ones with wooden interiors.
Mum and Shailea sat in a very lady-like fashion on this tram!

Coen had a climb on the scrubber tram.

And the old tram.

This is what happens when you ask Coen to look at the camera and smile!

They have the old electricity poles. I think they're really pretty!

In the museum shed there are lots of old cable cars and some buses. Coen loved driving this bus. I think it may have been because his feet reached the floor.

The kids had lots of fun running around and climing on all the displays.
I had lots of fun reading all the little signs on the trams.

His conversation skills mustn't be up to scratch.

I don't know what this one was selling. All the others on this tram were ads.

This was written on the ceiling, so you have to look straight up to read it. I suppose there wasn't anywhere else to put a sign. I never found out what (who?) the 'Dummy' was.
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